
27 Feb 2009

Unique taste, Personnel saosin Like Eat Snake Meat and Biawak

The uniqueness of the music that the band brought home America, saosin, who visits the 'sudden' to Indonesia, just get a rousing welcome from their fans in this country. According to the promoter of their Java Musikindo, Adrie Subono, the band by Cove Reber (vocal), Beau Burchell (guitar), Justin Shekoski (guitar), Chris Sorenson (bass), and Alex Rodriguez (drums), this is not only unique in play music, but also in the taste of food.

"So they came to Indonesia 7 nights, they just put the trunk road and the road ... I was in search of food is a cobra snake," said Adrie Concert on the sidelines preskon saosin, the Mulia Hotel, Jakarta, Sunday (20 / 5).

Melanie Subono, which is the guide they also feel surprised with the taste of food saosin band members, which can be spelled out this very weird.

"They get about indonesian data through the internet and when to direct them here to provide a list they will visit, the food " said Melanie.

When asked what problem they all eat meat most of the artist's world is vegetarian, with little of the guitarist, Beau Burchell, said, "Why have people that I love to eat meat when I was comfortable."

In fact, according to them, and snake meat biawak taste more delicious, than sate gorengan bat and monkey.

But, before the eat strange food, there is also one of the personnel saosin, Justin Shekoski, the vomiting during served snake meat. However, because of ridicule by his friends, Justin finally muster up is to eat meat.

Translated from : kapanlagi.com

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